(470) 222-5720
9am - 8pm
Medicare is a federally funded and operated health insurance program originally designed for people who are 65 or older.

It has since expanded to include disabled people under 65 and those with special circumstances. 

The program is divided into four parts: A (Hospital), B (Professional), C (Medicare advantage HMO) and D (Prescription drug)​.

Medicaid is a federal and state program in place for low-income families, seniors and individuals with mental or physical disabilities.

People qualify for Medicaid by meeting federal income standards. ​

The program is operated on a state-by-state basis. Various states opted failed to approved the extension of Medicaid benefits making it difficult for unemployed or underemployed individuals to obtain assistance. ​

Don’t understand or intimidated
by your medical bills?

HICAG partners is with you to speak on your behalf to resolve your questions.

Key Definitions To Know

HMO = Health Maintenance Organization

POS = Point Of Service

PPS = Preferred Provider Organization

EPO = Exclusive Provider Organization

HIPAA = Health Insurance Portability & Accountability Act

PCP = Primary Care Physician

PHI = Protected Health Information


Remember Your ABC's

A = Access (you have the right to care)

B = Billing (read and question your bills

C = Confidence (have the courage to ask
the what, when and why), be persistent

Do you have questions about your health insurance benefits? Need help with expensive prescriptions or medical services?

We are here to help you navigate the health care system.

Connect With Us


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